Condo Association and COOP Management Services
Prepare prioritized budget for Board approval.
Order and review third party audit, review or compilation of financial statements.
Order and review all third party tax returns and filings.
Renew licenses, as needed.
Review, advise, and consult with Board on contracts for outside services.
Review, advise, and distribute Board rules, regulations and governing policies.
Prepare and file vendor 1099's.
Review all certificates of liability insurance for all contractors to ensure adequate coverage.
Receive record and deposit fees.
Pay all association bills.
Prepare Income and Expense Reports.
Prepare Arrears Report.
Prepare Accounts Receivable Report.
Prepare Accounts Payable Report.
Prepare Trial Balance.
Prepare year-to-date budget to actual comparisons.
Maintain all record keeping functions.
Prepare Property Report for Board meeting.
Attend all Board meetings covered in contract.
Distribute Board generated minutes of all public session and meetings.
Review third party payroll service and withholding reports.
Provide e-mail update on issues affecting the Board policy or which need Board attention.
Report on laws, regulations, and trends in condominium management.
Assist in hiring, training and supervising all personnel.
Regularly inspect building.
Coordinate extermination, pest control and other regularly scheduled services.
Interview and negotiate contracts with prospective contractors and service providÂers.
Review and approve all work done to common areas.
Prepare Certificates of Resale for Purchase by Sellers.
Maintain building directory for programming of telephone entry systems.
Maintain contact with Board members on administrative concerns and issues needing action.
Maintain contact with on-site personnel.
Provide emergency on-call service reporting and referral system.
Special Additional Services:
Assist the Board of Directors and the Association Council the best litigation strategy and provide unlimited litigation support.
Assist the Board of Directors to identify the best suited professional structural engineering firm, compile all structural/design defects and work with the structural engineer to provide the Board of Directors the best implementation plans possible.